Financial HUG®
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- Work with Aleka

Financial HUG®
- Work with Aleka
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- Work with Aleka

Financial Inequality
This topic spreads and has various implications, including the headline topics of Pay, Protection and Pension inequality, which affects women of all ages, those starting work-life and those coming to retirement.
If you have concerns, these areas require special attention and advice, more than a Google search. Here, they are raised to bring your attention to and assist you in your planning—a prompt for you to explore and execute cautiously.
Previous Conversation Starters 22/23£223,256
“The Cost of a Child in 2022” report estimates that couple families now spend £160,692 and £223.256 for a lone parent raising a child to their 18th birthday.
Includes Childcare Costs.
1 in 4
Almost 1 in 4 adults in the UK are financially squeezed and Ethnic minorities were 2.2 times more likely to report being behind with their bills than their white counterparts during the Covid-19 lockdown.
It was only in 1975 that women could open bank accounts in sole names but not apply for a loan or credit without the signature of a male guarantor.
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